• The Consultant 4.0 | Navy | Archive
  • info_Model: 180 cm, 79 kg wearing Slim M (39/40)
    Model: 180 cm, 79 kg wearing Slim M (39/40)
  • The Consultant 4.0 | Navy | Archive
  • The Consultant 4.0 | Navy | Archive
  • The Consultant 4.0 | Navy | Archive
  • The Consultant 4.0 | Navy | Archive
  • The Consultant 4.0 | Navy | Archive
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TheConsultant 4.0

1 300 SEK 1 040 SEK

Size Guide

Mata in dina mått


Välj passform och storlek

Slim Fit:
Vår mest populära passform. Formad modell som passar en normal kroppsform. Finns även i en kortare (-3cm) och längre version (+4cm) i utvalda storlekar
Contemporary Fit:
Till den levande mannen. Knappt lika passformade som våra andra passformer, men fortfarande med baksömmar

Beställ före kl. 15:00 så packar vi din order idag

Förväntad leveransdatum:

Brand ambassador Michael Laudrup

"As an ambassdor for BARONS I get the opportunity to give a small push to a young and exiting company. Personally I wish to be well dressed but without spending too much time on buying clothes. Therefore, BARONS is in many ways the clothing brand that you automatically pull out of your wardrope in the morning."

Let me know some more

Organic ELS cotton.The 0.1%

At BARONS, we exclusively use organic cotton. Period. But we don't just use any type of cotton. We only use the longest cotton fibres in the World - the so-called Extra-long staple fibres (ELS). It represents less than 0.1% of the global cotton supply. In the past it was considered impossible to cultivate using organic methods. Our guess is that you have never worn an organic business shirt with ELS fibres before. Until now.